Promoting Economic Mobility in Multifamily Housing
In 2014, Congress extended authority for the Family Self-Sufficiency (FSS) program of the U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development to owners of Section 8 Project-Based Rental Assistance (PBRA) properties. Preservation of Affordable Housing (POAH) was one of the first private owners to take up this opportunity, partnering with Compass Working Capital (Compass), a nonprofit financial services organization that has developed and implemented a new financial capability model for the FSS program.
Initial results from the early partnership sites in Rhode Island and Massachusetts have been very strong. Promoting Economic Mobility in Multifamily Housing: Initial Outcomes from Family Self-Sufficiency Programs describes the FSS program, the Compass FSS model, and the POAH-Compass partnership. The paper also includes early learning and results, which should encourage other private owners to consider implementing the FSS program - and in particular, the Compass model.
Video: Veronica Martinez on the Family Self-Sufficiency Program Watch on Vimeo

Infographic: An overview of the Family Self-Sufficiency Program Download (.png)

One-page summary: Early Results from POAH-Compass FSS Programs Download (.pdf)
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Facebook: Preservation of Affordable Housing Compass Working Capital