Apartment buildings wrap up $1B in HUD funds for lower utility bills and climate upgrades

Story by Jennifer McDermott, Associated Press

"Renters in affordable housing felt forgotten and left out of the nation's transition to clean energy. They lived in older buildings that had been repaired over the years but had leaky windows and old appliances that consumed a lot of energy. They didn't have solar power.

That was the feedback Adrianne Todman got while traveling to housing sites as the head of the U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development.

She told renters and property owners things were going to change, and on Tuesday that change hit a milepost: HUD announced the last $30 million of more than $1 billion spent to modernize and fix older buildings for thousands of low-income renters nationwide."

..."Preservation of Affordable Housing, Inc. received 18 awards through the program, ranging from $750,000 to $7.8 million, totaling nearly $65 million. At Island Terrace Apartments, a 21-story, 240-unit high rise for families, an intense rehabilitation is underway that is desperately needed, said Konrad Schlater, vice president for development finance at the national nonprofit. That includes a device that saves energy and is becoming more common: an energy recovery ventilation unit. It brings in fresh air and sends out stale air without losing heating or air conditioning. Resident Bernadine Gibson, 82, said she sometimes leaves her apartment door open to get fresh air."


Read the article here: Apartments get final round of money for better heating systems and other climate improvements | AP News