Dot, Mattapan projects get influx of city funds for housing starts; Columbia Crossing in Uphams Corner is on the grants list

Dorchester Reporter story


Projects in Dorchester and Mattapan are set to receive millions in funding as part of a City Hall effort to create and preserve hundreds of income-restricted housing units.

Mayor Wu last week announced $67 million in new funding, spread to 17 projects across 8 neighborhoods. The money, which comes primarily from three sources — the Mayor’s Office of Housing, the Community Preservation Fund, and the Neighborhood Housing Trust —focuses on 802 housing units, with 160 of them set aside for seniors. Most of the units are mixed income, with rental housing for families and homeownership opportunities for city residents considered to have low to moderate incomes.

The projects also meet standards for zero-emissions and transit-oriented development.

In Uphams Corner, two nonprofits, Dorchester Bay Economic Development Corp. (EDC) and the Preservation of Affordable Housing (POAH), are seeking to renovate the former Dorchester Savings Bank building in a 86,000-square-foot project dubbed “Columbia Crossing.” The mixed-used and mixed-income project by the Strand Theatre will create 48 income-restricted rental apartments, with 3,500 square feet of community space, and commercial space that will be less costly than the market rate. Twenty percent of the units will be marked for artists.

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