Passive House Project Will Benefit Disabled Adults
A Green Building Advisor story
A Maine-based non-profit is collaborating with a national affordable housing advocate to develop a Passive House certified apartment building for disabled adults.
The announcement came from 3iHoME, whose goal is to create independent living opportunities for disabled adults—an underserved group that has particular trouble finding affordable places to live. Its partner, Preservation of Affordable Housing or POAH, is a national non-profit based in Massachusetts that owns 13,000 affordable housing units in 11 states.
Julie Klump, POAH’s head of design and building performance, said in an email that the non-profit has completed two Passive House projects, has two in construction and another five in design.
“Passive House is the most rigorous certification program, but it is a guarantee that the building will operate efficiently, provide healthy and comfortable homes for our residents, provide resiliency in power outages, and reduce carbon.”
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