Old Middletown High School Apartments
251 Court St
Middletown, CT 06459
Old Middletown High School Apartments is a 65-unit affordable apartment complex in Middletown, CT. The property is part of a National Historic District and individually listed on the National Historic Register.
POAH considered the Old Middletown High School property one of the Connecticut’s most “at-risk” properties because of its location near the downtown district and historical significance.
The purchase and rehabilitation secured this critical affordable housing asset for Middletown and the State of Connecticut.
The acquisition was made possible by a bridge loan from the Massachusetts Housing Investment Corporation (MHIC) and then refinanced through Connecticut Housing Finance Authority (CHFA) and Low Income Housing Tax Credits, State Historic Tax Credits, and CHAMP (Competitive Housing Assistance for Multifamily Properties). This funding enabled the substantial rehabilitation of the buildings and guarantee long-term affordability.
The scope of work included new windows, replacement of some kitchens and baths, improved ventilation in apartments, and electrical upgrades.