Mattie Butler Apartments
6230 S. Dorchester Ave (Eddie Mae and Alex Johnson Apartments)
6146 S. Kenwood Ave (Butler Lindon Apartments)
Chicago, IL 60637
POAH purchased Eddie Mae and Alex Johnson Apartments (64 units) and Butler Lindon Apartments (42 units) from longtime community-based non-profit Woodlawn East Community and Neighbors (WECAN) in October 2017. Both are vintage apartment hotels that had fallen into disrepair in the mid-late 1990s, which WECAN renovated as much-needed affordable housing with supportive services. POAH acquired the properties in order to preserve WECAN’s housing legacy and invest in much-needed renovations in order to keep the buildings affordable for the long term, while continuing to provide high-quality supports to help keep residents stably housed and able to achieve their goals. The buildings are located only a few blocks west of the Obama Presidential Center site, and so it was important to the neighborhood and community organizations to continue to provide this much needed housing.
The Illinois Housing Development Authority and the City of Chicago committed resources to the renovation of these important buildings. POAH finalized its partnerships and renovated all units, common areas, building envelope and systems, with a focus on tenant comfort and energy efficiency.
To learn more about POAH's work in Chicago, view the brochure, visit the website, or watch the video