Newberry Park Apartments

1355 South Blue Island
Chicago, IL 60608

  • Newberry Park Apartments courtyard
  • Newberry Park Apartments entrance
  • Newberry Park Apartments courtyard & exterior
  • Newberry Park Apartments playground
  • Newberry Park Apartments bedroom
  •  Newberry Park Apartments unit kitchen & dining area
Project Type
Acquisition and Renovation
Year Built
Acquisition Date
Last Renovation
Number of Units

Newberry Park is an 84 unit apartment building on Chicago’s Near West Side close to the Illinois Medical District and The University of Illinois at Chicago. The location is favorable for family housing, with its close proximity to schools, retail, transportation and a park district center with before and after-school services, summer programming and child care. It is also located across the street from the Chicago Fire Station that serves as a filming location for the NBC television series, Chicago Fire.

The property was built in the early-1990s to provide affordable workforce housing in a historic and resource-rich neighborhood where redevelopment had displaced many families. Twenty years later, the increased development in and desirability of the area has made the preservation of these units that much more imperative.

POAH’s acquisition of this property extended the affordability of the expiring rent restrictions, continuing to provide the property’s 25 two-bedroom units, 48 three-bedroom units and 11 four-bedroom units to low- and moderate- income families. POAH began renovation in September 2015 on unit interiors, common areas, parking and landscaping, building envelope and heating and cooling systems. 

Newberry Park Apartments marks the second multi-family complex POAH has acquired for renovation in the City of Chicago outside of the Woodlawn neighborhood.

To learn more about POAH's work in Chicago, view the brochure, visit the website, or watch the video

Project Partners
  • Walker and Dunlop LLC
  • National Affordable Housing Trust (NAHT)
  • Illinois Housing Development Authority (IHDA)
  • City of Chicago
  • Elevate Energy
  • Illinois Clean Energy Community Foundation
  • Canopy Architecture & Design