Harvey is a city in Cook County, south of Chicago


Jesse Jackson Jr. Senior Housing


Harvey, IL


Jesse Jackson Jr Senior Housing, acquired by POAH from the YMCA of Metro Chicago in 2019, provide  a vital source of quality affordable senior housing in a community that has seen more than its share of disinvestment over the past decades. The properties are located on the former Dixie Square Mall Site – made famous by the Blues Brothers movie in 1980 – in Chicago’s south suburbs and just off two major expressways


South Suburban Senior Housing


Harvey, IL


South Suburban Senior Housing is one of six properties acquired by POAH from the YMCA of Metropolitan Chicago in 2019. This acquisition expanded POAH’s footprint in Chicago into three new communities plus the suburb of Harvey, and preserved 461 affordable apartments for low-income seniors for many years to come.

South Suburban first opened its doors to seniors and disabled residents in 1946 with 50 one-bedroom apartments and added another 70 units in 1982.