Michelle Henry
Michelle Henry has been a resident at Cutler Manor for over 12 years. Having seen the financial impact on so many people because of COVID-19, she was motivated to build a more stable financial future beginning with her dream of obtaining her high school diploma after many years of trying.
Supported by the staff at Cutler Manor Apartments, Michelle enrolled at South Dade Technical College and completed the diploma program in five months. Due to the pandemic all classes were conducted online and Michelle enjoyed the virtual interaction with her classmates and instructor, especially during the down times when they were able to socialize and share a friendship online.
Michelle was ecstatic to share her accomplishments with her family and friends, telling her 21-year old son the decision was “the best call she ever made.” Now that Michelle has her high school diploma, she is looking to make a career shift from cashier to customer service representative. Michelle’s experience has even led to the development of a deeper relationship between the school district and the staff at Cutler Manor, paving the way for access and opportunity for more residents in the future.