Paolo Cisneros
Paolo Cisneros is a Project Manager in POAH’s Chicago office. He is responsible for overseeing project budgets and construction management while also working with state and local housing agencies, lenders, investors and others to successfully complete redevelopment projects.
Paolo joined POAH from the Cincinnati Metropolitan Housing Authority, where he specialized in the physical and financial repositioning of distressed public housing. During his tenure at CMHA, he managed the conversion of 276 public housing units to the Rental Assistance Demonstration (RAD) and secured more than $50 million in corresponding development financing. He also financially structured the agency’s first historic rehabilitation tax credit project and assisted with the development of 380 additional new construction and acquisition/rehab units.
Paolo holds a Master of Urban Planning and Policy degree from the University of Illinois at Chicago and a Bachelor of Science in News-Editorial Journalism from the University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign. He earned a Rental Housing Development Finance Professional certification from the National Development Council in 2020.